
Showing posts from July, 2023

New Breath Technique for Asthma: Frolov Respiration Device

  Humans on the west know very   little  about health discoveries in Russia. Nevertheless there are some   inventions  in   management  of asthma and asthma   exacerbations  there. Apart from the Buteyko breathing method (a more known Soviet   innovation  with six western randomized   controlled  medical trials), there is another   supplementary  medical technique that is employed   recently  for prevention and management of asthma and   exacerbations  of asthma. It is called the Frolov breath device   therapy  with around 2,000,000(!) Frolov breathing devices have been bought in Russia.   How could  respiration  retraining improve symptoms of adults with asthma? First, all available  scientific  publications indicate that  asthmatics  over-breathe at rest. When in stable  conditions  (no symptoms of asthma), they breathe about 2.5 times m...

Asthma Breathing Exercises For Kids

  Buteyko, Papworth, Pranayama, these names might sound   alien  to you but for   asthmatics  these three has become somewhat   synonymous  to alternative asthma treatment. The three   mentioned  above are breathing methods of   course , but that is where their   similarity  ends since each and every one of them have   different  teachings,   techniques , approaches and core principles when   dealing  with asthma.   For adults as well as kids asthma breathing treatments can help provide an  additional  safety net of relief and control  aside  from the ones that their  conventional  treatment and medication can  provide . For children in particular, knowing asthma breathing  exercises  for kids can be very helpful in helping them gain  greater  confidence  in handling their  condition  even when medication is not  immediately...

Good Asthma Breathing Exercises For Women

  It is a given fact that there are a large   percentage  of women suffering from asthma. This is really quite   unfortunate   as the condition can really be quite a problem when it comes to the point where the   patient  already wants to start a   family  and get pregnant, as asthma can be a   hindrance  in successfully   conceiving .   However, if you're an asthma patient, you should not worry anymore. With the  advancements  in science and  technology , and with the easily available information the  internet  has to offer you, finding solutions for your medical  condition  shouldn't be quite a problem. All you need now is a little  patience  and research, and you  surely  can find whatever it is that you are looking for.   One of these things that can help you manage your  condition  would be by practicing asthma  breathing  exercises for wo...

Breathing Exercises For Asthma

  Asthma is a breathing   disorder  caused due to the narrowing and   inflammation  of the   airways  in the lungs. Wheezing,   breathlessness , rapid breathing and cough are some prominent   symptoms  of asthma. These symptoms may only   aggravate  with poor breathing   techniques . The breathing patterns have to be   manipulated  with deep   breathing , relaxation sessions and other   exercises . These techniques that improve the   breathing  are known as breathing exercises and will help the   patients  to control their respiratory muscles and improve their   condition .   Pranayama, a set of breathing exercises in yoga and  Buteyko , a Russian method if breathing exercises for asthma are the two main types of breathing  exercises  that are helpful in asthma. Yoga is a powerful therapy that is being widely used to reduce the severity and  frequency...

Physical Yoga and the Human Machine

  The   practice  of physical Yoga postures affects the human machine in very   predictable  ways. The Yoga asanas are   thousands  of years old. The poses have been practiced by countless   individuals , over the course of five thousand years, because they work! Yoga poses use the physics of the   human  body to correct any   misalignment , while increasing   strength  and flexibility.   The breathing exercises of Yoga (pranayama), even out the  biochemistry  of the brain, by balancing the  endocrine  system. Pranayama  exercises  also increase the physical capacity of the  lungs . These breathing  practices  will  ultimately  help to lower blood pressure and support  cardiovascular  health.   The physical poses of  Yoga  (asanas) are based on the principals of physics. One aspect of physics is the use of levers and pulleys to  accom...

Rowing Machines Provide a Full Body Workout

  Rowing   machines  are one of the few pieces of gym   equipment  that exercise many different   muscle  groups at the same time. If you want to   build  and tone your muscles, simply set your rowing machine up for greater   resistance . If you want a more   aerobic  workout, which is great for weight loss, then   setup  your rowing machine for lesser resistance. These rowing machines are   great  for a strenuous   cardiovascular  workout and are ideal for toning your body.   Owning a rower of your own gives you the  freedom  to workout whenever you want and to truly be  comfortable  with your workout. By having your own indoor rowing machine you can set the pace you need, and work out as much or as little as you want. These home models are smaller than the  commercial  ones you will find at your local gym, but the better ones are  definitely  built wel...